20th National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week

March 21-25, 2022 marks the 20th National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week. Started more than two decades ago by The National Coalition for LGBTQ Health, this week brings awareness to the health disparities found throughout the LGBTQ community.

What Problems Do LGBTQ People Face?

The LGBTQ community faces discrimination every day, including when searching for healthcare. Among healthcare providers, there is a shortage of those knowledgeable about LGBTQ health, as well as a lack of social programs that are LGBTQ inclusive. Although laws prohibit health care providers and insurers from discriminating against LGTBQ people, it still exists. Unfortunately, this means many LGBTQ people avoid seeking healthcare altogether. 

How Can I Get Involved?

There are several ways you can participate in LGBTQ Health Awareness Week, such as:

  • Attend educational and advocacy events
  • Start a conversation with friends and family
  • Donate
  • Educate yourself

At Spectrum Medical, we offer a safe space and affirming care for all LGBTQ people. To learn more about The National Coalition for LGBTQ Health, visit https://healthlgbt.org. Happy LGBTQ Health Awareness Week!

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