community outreach

Did you know Spectrum Medical has a community-based service program designed to provide testing and medical treatment throughout the Valley? Our U.B.U. Crew is at community events across Maricopa County providing testing, tabling, and educational services.

what exactly does your outreach program do?

Great question! Spectrum Medical’s Outreach Program is made up of 4 primary services:

  1. Free, non-judgmental HIV & STI testing
  2. Preventative assessment and reduction counseling (condom & lube distribution, PrEP/PEP)
  3. Linkage to treatment & care
  4. Education

In the U.S. alone, approximately 1.2 million people have HIV and 13% of those people don’t even know it. Our main goal is for everyone to know their HIV status. We understand that getting tested can be scary, but knowing your HIV status empowers you to take control of your health.

where can i find you?

Our U.B.U Crew can be found at community-based events across the valley, including festivals, bars, food banks, and health fairs. Through our dedication to the community, we are always looking to partner with other community-based organizations to help provide testing in areas of the community that lack access.

Join us on our mission to end the stigma associated with HIV and get tested. If you have any questions or would like to learn more information about our outreach program, contact us today!

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