What is a Safe Space?

If you have ever noticed a “Safe Space” sign in a business before and wondered what that meant, you’re not alone. These signs mean that a business has either gone through Safe Zone training or that they are simply a friend of the LGBTQ+ community.

Why Do These Signs Matter?

Each day the LGBTQ+ community faces issues that not everyone can understand. By attending Safe Zone Training or by completing research, an organization can learn what it can do to be a better ally.  

These signs and/or stickers communicate to the public that this is an LGBTQ+-inclusive environment.

What is Safe Zone Training?

Safe Zone Training allows an organization the opportunity to learn more about the LGTBQ+ community. While there is no “official” Safe Zone Training curriculum, businesses can find local training sessions at schools and LGTBQ community centers.

Spectrum Medical is proud to be a Safe Space for everyone. Our supportive and compassionate staff is committed to the safety and success of all. If you are a person in crisis or require immediate assistance, you can trust that you are in the right place.

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